Analysis Scripts


You can install the required dependency packages for these scripts using pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The requirements.txt file is located in the same folder as the scripts.

Each of these bullet points needs to link to the scripts when its put on github.

  • Compiling Video
    • A parallel python script for compiling individual timepoint videos for each position captured during the acquisition into one large concatenated video file.

  • Timepoint Viewer
    • A python script that launches a simple GUI for scrolling through frames in an individual timepoint video.

  • Multi-timepoint Viewer
    • A python script that launches a GUI for scrolling through the first frame from each timepoint video for a single position that was recorded.

  • Embryo Segmentation
    • A python script that makes use of EmbryoCV for displaying embryo segmentation through a GUI. Note the segmentation is optimised for gastropod embryos.

  • Heart rate Estimation
    • A python script that makes use of HeartCV for detecting a cardiac signal and consequently, the timings of individual heart beats.